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Anuj Nair
Anuj Nair Official Website
Light of My Soul

Light of My Soul
O ! my dear, the light of my soul
Have you forsaken me ! O ! never
Never had you left me alone
In those sweet days of yore.
Every morn, you did come
To ope my sleeping eyes
With your lovely tender palms
Bathed in the golden rays of the sun
Into my yearning ears you poured
Honey itself in your mystic words;
Warmed the limpid brain indeed
And swept the gloominess of my waning heart.
That joy O! my dear, I recall,
Did bring home to my mind
A bliss of its own, so splendid,
Let me say, in my skill-less words.
O ! memory sweet, come to my help
Let me drink that cup of fleckless joy,
Once more in its fullest measure
Before the light in me vanishes
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