Anuj Nair
Anuj Nair Official Website
Touched and Kissed by You

Touched and Kissed by You
Dew drops that touch a silly petal, make it magical
Their scent does float through the wildest passion
So weak are they, they dry dirty black in the sun
Sure that they will be seen, touched and kissed by you !
Heat and dust does make me light and bright
Not all know me for my special beauty and might,
Blooming every day to reach out to you
Sure I will be seen, touched and kissed by you !
I did touch your senses in its potent imagination
Among vibrant patterns and tender softness
Bloomed today and forever, just for you
Sure I was seen, touched and kissed by you !
© 2009 Anuj Nair.
All rights reserved.
Do I touch your senses in the faintest imagination ?
Among vibrant patterns and tender softness
Blooming every day to reach out to you
Sure that they will be seen, touched and kissed by you !