Anuj Nair
Anuj Nair Official Website
Undying Death

Undying Death
"Life is beautiful" ; my dear you used to say
Yet, against my will isn't my fate designed ?
A fateful day , the dawn of darkest nights
Came the doomsday that you bid adieu.
Daunted she lay and thus spake soliloquy :
Tears welling my eyelids, shying to drop down,
'Cause, my pain, my love for you will never be mine
Tears welling my eyelids, never will to drop down
'Cause, my pain, my love for you is just mine
Salt and water in my tears, so inseparable
My heart and your thoughts, so bonded
Many a time I have hurt my dear sweet lord
Taking longer strides than I should have.
Words, they say come from language
Nay, it comes from the bottomless pit of my heart
Silence, so noisy, I hardly can hear
My heart cries for your forgiveness,
Tears may not dry, but thicken as blood
I will live, live to bear the pain
Tears welling my eyelids, never will to drop down
'Cause, my pain, my love for you is just mine
Living in a dream, a small little sunshine of my own,
Giving into pain, with no hope, but despair
Eating my heart and soul that no one own
Leave it to my love until my death
Always afraid of darkness and death,
Befriended them last night,
Brings me peace, soaking in my own tears
Brings me solace, of permanence of my soul, that love you.
Surrender to the pain thee bring in your absence
Dreaming of the flame you lit in my life
Wonder the innate presence of my thy warmth
Little while ago, still lingering, in my tears.
Pain is unbearable for the heart that yearn
For lost love, lost woven among the shredded yarn
Filth and dirt of the physical soul that sure to die
For the undying love safely knit in the web of eternal soul
Pleasures has the senses seen so many,
Pain out of love bears the signature of true love
Marred by eclipses of human errors
Eyes that weep in silence might wash my dirt away
The pittance my memories doles on me to breathe
are fortunes that I dream to decorate my wreath
A dying soul, trying to liberate from its own death
Forever wishing the living grace of forgiveness
No name do my heart calls my love in words
It is just the tears and whimper of the dying soul
Hoping to die wearing the wreath of studded tears
Never to wither away, as long as my soul lives here
The sharp prick of conscience, with a pain so intense
The heart satiates when the soul tries to get off the hook
Surrendering to the pain, denying to free itself
The ultimate cry of the heart to say I know not what love is not.
Crush'd leaves and flowers leave their fragrance behind
Hey, my tears have dried up, leaving no mark of me
Brush'd aside are the dirt of unwanted soul
Lying here to be washed away to the goal
Limpering and simmering the fire of emotion
That burn up my blood of future
Resizing my life to the dreams of it's most beautiful part
Lived and existed for a painful departure
Wonder if it is painful to let free my soul
Wonder if there is life after death?
If life sustain after death as a formless soul,
It is worth the pain and my heart's desire will not go in vain
Corpses that lie still, I seek that serenity
Knowing too well that those tears were useless
When a loving soul can be near to my lost love
For ever as little sunshine in his life.
Sleepless night awakening the untired soul
Searching every corner of the universe
For the lost love, lost in the ocean of sin
Drowning in the swamp of bloodless wound
Hey, heart sleep tonight to rest
The soul that bears the love of your heart
Lost in the wilderness of burning distress
Fuming to kindle the fire of nothingness
Long sleep of no return, come on naturally
For the soul that has the imprint of my love, never to be hurt again
Until the sinful bones wither in to mother earth
Can't wait until I see the endless tunnel of hope end.
The more I grab the sand at the ocean,
More it escapes away from within the fingers
Surrender to the little grains of my love's feeling
Divine love - so it be to the painful pleasure of undying death.
Wake up my dear, from the dreams
Like you wake up from dreams within dreams
Nothing is lost, lest you gain; Everything 'Here' remains
When all that it seems as you see,
are mere perceptions of flickering illusions;
and random playback of those perceptions.
No dream longer than this moment, here, now
Wake up - be free; drift with the flow
© 2012 Anuj Nair.
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